Privacy policy

This privacy policy statement provides information about how Sandnes International School processes personal data, including data displayed on this website. Privacy policy updated June 2022.

Processing of personal data by Sandnes International School

We care about your privacy and your information will be safe with us. All processing of personal data takes place in accordance with Norwegian law. When you use our website in any way, Sandnes International School will process personal data concerning you. In the following you will find information about the personal data that we process, why we process these data, and your rights in connection with data processing.

Why do we gather personal data and what types of information do we gather?

We acquire and process personal data for a number of different purposes, depending on the reason for the processing and how we come into contact with you.

How we use the information we have stored about you:

Targeted content and advertising, and to measure the effect.

To respond to enquiries that we receive.

We process names, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, IP adresses and any personal data that may result from an enquiry. This processing of personal data is carried out on the basis of a balance of interests. We consider that such processing is often necessary in order for us to assist you with your enquiries.

The information that you provide us with about yourself, will have different purposes and different sources. By means of explicit consent, such as by the voluntary provision of information or by means of voluntary implicit consent. The information will be gathered and used separately.

If you provide us with your contact information, it will be forwarded to the person responsible at Sandnes International School. This information may possibly be sent to a contracted third party who will respond to your enquiry in the appropriate manner. In such situations, the third party will be bound by a duty of confidentiality. If we have additional relevant information to give you after we have responded to your enquiry, we will contact you using the contact information that you have provided. If you do not wish us to do this, you can notify us at

We store any information that you send directly via e-mail, or in any other way, so that we can provide you with the best service possible. We draw your attention to the fact that enquiries that you send via e-mail are not encrypted. For this reason, we ask you to refrain from sending us confidential, sensitive or other restricted information either by e-mail or in any other way through our website.

This website uses cookies

A cookie, also known as an information capsule, is a small text file that the websites you visit download to and store on your computer. Cookies are used to provide visitors to websites with access to different functions. The information contained in a cookie may be used to track your use of the internet.

Pursuant to the Norwegian Act relating to Electronic Communication (Lov om elektronisk kommunikasjon – Ekomloven), all visitors to websites that use cookies must be notified that cookies are being used. They must also have access to information about why cookies are being used. Visitors must also be given the opportunity to accept the use of cookies. Acceptance is given by means of appropriate browser settings.

If you want to reject the use of cookies, you can change the settings on your browser so that you either block the cookies from being downloaded automatically, or are given the opportunity to select which cookies are downloaded, one at a time. Cookies that have previously been downloaded to your computer can also be deleted via your browser.

This is how you can administer cookies

Who processes your information

There are several companies that help process personal data. According to the personal privacy legislation, such companies are data processors and process information in accordance to law.

The following companies are key when processing your information:

Google – anonymized and aggregated usage information for the use of our digital services.
Does not receive identifiable personal information.

Apriil AS – for operation of websites and underlying computer systems.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service supplied by Google Inc.(‘Google’). Google Analytics uses cookies in order to analyse how users use the website. The information generated by a cookie when you visit a given website, including your IP address, is sent to Google and is stored on its servers located in the USA. Google uses this information to analyse your use of the website, compile reports of activity on the website for its owner, and to provide other services linked to activities on the website and internet use. Google may also transfer this information to third parties if this is required pursuant to legislation, or in situations in which third parties are processing information on behalf of Google. Google will not link your IP address to any other information that Google may have.

By using our website, you agree to have cookies stored in your browser. You may refuse to consent to the storage of cookies, but this may result in the websites not functioning as normal.

The cookies are not linked to you as an individual. An IP address is defined as personal information because it can be traced back to a specific hardware and thus to an individual. In our Google Analytics, IP addresses will always be anonymized before the information is stored. Therefore, the stored IP address cannot be used to identify a single user.

We therefore collect unidentifiable information about visitors to ….com to compile statistics, so that we can create a user-friendly website. We cannot trace your information back to the individual user. All data is anonymized and merged, and is not processed individually. If you do not wish to contribute to the statistics, you can reserve against this with Google:

Reserve against Google Analytics.

Our website uses Google Analytics to analyse visits to individual pages. We obtain information about such factors as which pages are the most visited, where the users come from, and at what times the pages are most visited.

We also process data about how you use our website, and these data are compiled and aggregated using Google Analytics. We can also compile user demographic and interest reports in order to obtain a better understanding of who our users are. Based on these separate and automatically generated reports, we at … can make decisions about how we can provide a better visitor experience for users of our website, both in terms of an integrated website structure and the content of individual pages.

… stores information about the search words that our website users employ. The purpose of this is to improve the information we offer by identifying which search words generate hits and which search results are clicked on. This information is stored in aggregated form in Google Analytics by Google.

Information that is generated by Google Analytics is also stored by Google.

Google Ads

Google Ads’ cookies enable us to see whether those that click on our advertisements carry out the desired actions. We also activate remarketing, which means that we can display certain advertisements in Google Display Network based on the behavior of visitors to our website.

Information that is generated by Google Ads is stored by Google.

Social media

Using cookies from Facebook and LinkedIn, we can use remarketing to reach visitors with adverts that are displayed based on a given visitor’s behaviour, such as a visit to a certain subpage. We also obtain insights into demographic data linked to our website visitors based on relevant social media and statistics resulting from website use across sessions and logged-in entities. Cookies from social media also enable us to obtain metrics on advertisement results. In situations where we gather contact information using forms available on Facebook, those completing the forms give their consent to accepting the terms and conditions in this privacy policy statement entirely voluntarily.

Any contact information provided on Facebook and LinkedIn, it will be processed in the same way as it would if provided via our own website. Other information that is generated by Facebook and LinkedIn is stored by Facebook and LinkedIn.

Disclosure of personal data to third parties

We do not disclose your personal data to third parties unless there is a legal basis for doing so. Examples may typically include an agreement entered into with you, or a legal obligation that requires us to disclose the information.

Sandnes International School uses data processing providers to gather, store and otherwise process data on our behalf.

Storage time and deletion

We store your personal data for as long as it is necessary to meet the purpose for which the data were first acquired. If you want us to delete information about you, we will of course comply, provided that we are not obliged to continue to store said information, for example, in order to adhere to accounting regulations.

What are your rights when we process your personal data?

You are entitled, pursuant to Norwegian law, to request to inspect and correct your own personal data, and to correct or delete defective or incorrect information.

You may also notify us if you simply wish to stop receiving communication from us.  We reserve the right to contact you using other contact information in order to talk to you about how you want us to process your information in the future, as appropriate.

All information provided to us is done so entirely voluntarily, either explicitly via e-mail, or implicitly via our website, or your consent to accept cookies.

You also have the right to request restrictions on processing, to object to processing and to request a right to data portability. You can find out more about your rights on the website of the Norwegian Data Protection Agency (NDPA, Datatilsynet) at

In order to exercise your rights, please contact our Data Controller at privacy@….com. We will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible, and within 30 days.

Before you can exercise your rights with us, we will ask you to confirm your identity or provide us with more information. We do this in order to ensure that we only provide access to your personal data to you, and not to someone who may be impersonating you.

You are entitled at any time to withdraw your consent to having your personal data processed by us. The easiest way to do this is to contact us.

Data Controller and contact information

If you have any questions or feedback about our processing of your personal data, please contact our Data Controller at

Information is processed pursuant to prevailing legislation and the purposes for which you gave your consent, explicitly or implicitly, or in accordance with specific processing objectives.


If you believe that our processing of your personal data fails to comply with the policy set out here, or that we have in any other way contravened personal privacy legislation, you may submit a complaint to the Norwegian DataProtection Agency (NDPA).

You will find contact information for the NDPA at


If any amendments are made to our services or to the regulations governing the processing of personal data, this may result in changes to the information provided in this policy. If we have your contact information in our possession, we will notify you of these changes. Otherwise, updated information will be readily available on our website.

Last updated 2022.06.01