School Transport
The school transport is provided by Kolumbus for all students who fulfill the following distance requirement.
- Grade 1 students if the distance between home and school is longer than 2 km
- Grade 2-10 students if the distance between home and school is longer than 4 km
The current bus routes are in the hyperlinks below:
1. Due to the capacity of bus, SK0222 is only for students in grade 1 to 6.
2. The bus will stop at all bus stops along the rute if there are students for the school. Please visit the bus schedule at
You can check the schedule at
or monitor the location of bus at here
Further information:
Between 2nd September 2024 and 6th October 2024, bus stops Lensmannsgata og Austrått skole are temporary closed due to road closer. Students need to go to the bus stop in Hoveveien to follow SK 0223. The bus stop is called Ospabakken.
See the map below.

Students in grade 7 to 10 and students residing in a Kommune other than Sandnes can take the regular bus number 23 or X39 to reach the school. The cost of the bus ticket can be reimbursed by the Kolumbus.
School will apply for transportation if student has the need. The school is not responsible for any delays or operations of the school transport.
For more information about Skoleskyss, please visit
Last update: 15th August 2024